Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Christianity Within the Decalogue Series

I found that in the Decologue films, there is a general pattern of the committing of a sin, confession of that sin, and forgiveness and reconciliation.  Although this saving grace is depicted through the people whom the issue involves in each film, there are many accounts of symbolizing Jesus.  In the Christian faith, Jesus is the savior.  He saves the people from all of their sins, as long as they “take up their cross” and follow Him.  In each film, there are depictions of this.  There are multiple accounts of a “savior” that is forgiving the sinner.  The link at the bottom of this post provides many examples from different episodes of The Decalogue series that support this idea.  Specifically, “this redemptive pattern is easily recognized in the ultimately fruitful struggle of Dorota in Decalogue Two to reconcile with her husband; in the final confessions and reconciliations between the unfaithful husband and his wife in Three; and in the healing confession and reconciliation between the daughter and her father in the conclusion of Four.”  Those are only examples from the first four episodes, however it provides an insight on the way Kieslowski utilized this pattern throughout his work.
More specifically, there are several accounts of references to God and Jesus, an assumed Christian-like love, and examples of the saving grace of Jesus Christ throughout the Decalogue series, even though they may not be obvious.  In Christianity, the Christian community is “in favor of the building up of that community which is the Mystical Body of Christ,” and “in favor of the breaking down of the barriers of egoism, fear, sinfulness, between people that destroy that Body.”  Throughout the Decalogue episodes discussed so far, Kieslowski seems to investigate this certain theme of a new created community and a communion through self-isolation and diversity.  
Although it is sometimes difficult to see the Christian reference or the commandment that is supposed to be the point of each episode, this article truly points out those specific examples that we don’t originally see.  It points out the Christian references that we could understand if we simply delved into the episodes more and applied Christian thoughts to. 

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